Septic Inspections

Call us for septic inspections in Halifax, Nova Scotia

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Greener Inspections offers septic system inspections, well water flow and recovery tests, as well as water quality tests. We can help you with these services in conjunction with our valued partner Sanitec Sewer and Septic Specialists Ltd.

Septic system inspections

These kinds of inspections are an essential part of maintaining a healthy and functioning septic system. The process involves assessing the overall condition and performance of the septic system components, including the tank, drain field, and associated pipes.

  • The primary goal of a septic system inspection is to ensure that the system is operating effectively and not posing any health or environmental risks.
  • The frequency of septic system inspections can vary depending on local regulations and the system’s size and usage; generally, it is recommended to have a professional inspection every 1 to 3 years.
  • During a septic system inspection, several components are assessed. This typically includes examining the septic tank for signs of structural damage, checking the inlet and outlet baffles, measuring the sludge and scum levels, and inspecting the integrity of the tank walls. The drain field is also examined for any signs of saturation or malfunction.
  • Inspections involve various tests to evaluate the system’s performance. These may include a dye test during which a coloured dye is flushed into the system to check for leaks or backups. Soil percolation tests may also be conducted to assess the drain field’s ability to absorb water effectively.
  • A comprehensive inspection report is typically provided after the inspection. The report outlines key findings, identifies issues or areas of concern, and may include recommendations for repairs or maintenance. This documentation is valuable for homeowners and potential buyers.
  • Regular septic system inspections are crucial for preventing system failures, avoiding health hazards, and extending the lifespan of the system.

It is crucial to hire a qualified professional septic system inspector with the necessary expertise and experience to evaluate the system thoroughly. Our inspectors are Qualified Persons (QP2) and licensed installers. They are familiar with local regulations and can provide accurate assessments and recommendations. It is important to do your research to make sure that your inspector has the right qualifications and is not someone just claiming to be an expert!

A septic system inspection is not a DIY task. It requires following local regulations, obtaining permits when necessary, and engaging qualified professionals for inspections and maintenance to ensure the safety and efficiency of your system.

Well water flow and recovery tests

Well water flow and recovery tests are conducted (on drilled wells) to assess the rate at which water can be pumped from a well. These tests determine the well’s yield (the volume of water that can be obtained from the well over a specific period) or production capacity. This is essential for evaluating the well’s performance, planning water usage, and ensuring an adequate water supply.

Water quality tests

Water quality tests are performed to assess the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water. These tests help determine the suitability of water for various purposes, such as drinking, recreational activities, industrial use, and environmental monitoring. They are essential for ensuring the safety and health of individuals, and the protection of ecosystems.

Water quality tests are crucial for monitoring and maintaining the safety of water sources. They enable the identification of potential hazards, early detection of contamination, and implementation of appropriate mitigation measures. Regular testing and monitoring are essential to ensure the ongoing quality and sustainability of water supplies.

Contact us to book an inspection or test. We are here to help!

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